learning swift and other stuff

the AquaCalculator has quite some history. Today the app is available for windows, iOS, macOS and Android.

AquaCalculator started in late 2012 as an iOS app. The app was mostly done in ObjectiveC.

This was also my start in the more profound Apple development with a real product.

AquaCalculator is by now a full blown, feature rich swiss army knife for the enthusiastic reefer spanning lots of apples frameworks and features.

Starting out as an iOS app it has now become an universal app for all apple devices.

The app is now a subscription based model.

Not only as Swift came around the app had and has huge potential for being continuously modernized with all cool new stuff possible.

get it in the AppStore

tech stack

  • Xcode
  • UIKit
  • SwiftUI
  • Swift Package Manager
  • CocoaPods
  • ObjectiveC
  • Swift
  • CoreData
  • macOS
  • Sentry
  • fastlane
  • Kingfisher